Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский

things might go wrong

  • 1 мочь

    1. be

    вы можете подтвердить, что … — you will bear me out that …

    2. be able

    мочь; быть в состоянииbe able

    мочь …, быть в состоянии … — to be able to …

    не быть в состоянии; не смочь; не мочьbe unable

    3. be able to
    4. be encouraged
    5. be in position to
    6. can afford

    мочь; позволить себеcan afford

    7. could

    может быть, он и сделал этоhe could have done it

    8. might

    может быть, это и правдаit might be true

    9. might as well
    10. can; be able; may
    Синонимический ряд:
    может быть (глаг.) быть может; возможно; может быть; может статься

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > мочь

  • 2 во всю мочь

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > во всю мочь

  • 3 сорваться

    1. tear off; pluck; pick; break up; disrupt; frustrate; vent; come off; break away; fall down; dart off; escape
    2. go wrong
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. оборваться (глаг.) оборваться
    2. провалиться (глаг.) завалиться; провалиться
    3. расстроиться (глаг.) нарушиться; расстроиться
    4. соскочить (глаг.) слететь; соскочить

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > сорваться

  • 4 все может провалиться

    General subject: things might go wrong

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > все может провалиться

  • 5 все может сорваться

    General subject: things might go wrong

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > все может сорваться

  • 6 Ч-14

    HE РОВЁН ЧАС old-fash, coll (sent Invar often used as sent adv fixed WO
    1. (in refer, to an action, event etc specified or implied by the context) used to express fear that sth. unpleasant or dangerous may happen
    who knows
    you never know one never knows.
    «Пожалуйте только расписочку». - «Да на что ж вам расписка?» - «Всё, знаете, лучше расписочку. Не ровён час, все может случиться» (Гоголь 3). "Please let me have a receipt." "What do you want a receipt for?" "It's always better to have a receipt. Who knows, anything might happen" (3a).
    ...He ровён час - какой-нибудь офицер Петровского полка, находясь в столице, мог заглянуть на один из наших вечеров и, увидев меня на эстраде, сделать соответствующие «организационные» выводы, угрожавшие мне по меньшей мере годичным заключением в дисциплинарном батальоне (Лившиц 1). One never knows - some officer from the Petrovsky regiment who happened to be in the capital might drop in on one of our meetings, he would see me on the rostrum, make the appropriate "disciplinary" inferences and threaten me with at least a year's detention in the penal battalion (1a).
    2. used to indicate that some unspecified dangerous, unpleasant etc thing may happen (often used as a conclusion after a warning)
    you never know what might happen
    all kinds of things could happen something might (could) go wrong.
    Деньги надо хранить в банке: не ровён час. You should keep your money in the bank-you never know what might happen.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-14

  • 7 не ровен час

    НЕ РОВЕН ЧАС old-fash, coll
    [sent; Invar; often used as sent adv; fixed WO]
    1. (in refer, to an action, event etc specified or implied by the context) used to express fear that sth. unpleasant or dangerous may happen:
    - one never knows.
         ♦ "Пожалуйте только расписочку". - "Да на что ж вам расписка?" - "Всё, знаете, лучше расписочку. Не ровён час, все может случиться" (Гоголь 3). "Please let me have a receipt." "What do you want a receipt for?" "It's always better to have a receipt. Who knows, anything might happen" (3a).
         ♦...Не ровён час - какой-нибудь офицер Петровского полка, находясь в столице, мог заглянуть на один из наших вечеров и, увидев меня на эстраде, сделать соответствующие "организационные" выводы, угрожавшие мне по меньшей мере годичным заключением в дисциплинарном батальоне (Лившиц 1). One never knows - some officer from the Petrovsky regiment who happened to be in the capital might drop in on one of our meetings; he would see me on the rostrum, make the appropriate "disciplinary" inferences and threaten me with at least a year's detention in the penal battalion (1a).
    2. used to indicate that some unspecified dangerous, unpleasant etc thing may happen (often used as a conclusion after a warning):
    - something might (could) go wrong.
         ♦ Деньги надо хранить в банке: не ровён час. You should keep your money in the bank-you never know what might happen.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не ровен час

  • 8 Г-444

    ДРАЗНИТЬ/РАЗДРАЗНИТЬ ГУСЕЙ coll VP subj: human usu. impfv often infin with зачем, не надо etc, or neg infin after чтобы) to irritate, anger s.o., usu. pointlessly (often, one's superior(s) or s.o. who is in a position to make trouble for one): не надо (зачем) гусей дразнить — don't (why) make waves (trouble) don't (why) stir things up don't ruffle any ( s.o. 's) feathers don't rub s.o. the wrong way.
    «Кто форинов (authors usage = иностранцев) пригласил? Ты, Маккар? - строго спросил Самсик. - Зачем, ребята? Зачем гусей-то дразнить?» «Зачем гусей дразнить?» — это, можно сказать, было лозунгом их поколения (Аксёнов 6). "Who invited the foreigners? Was it you, Makkar?" asked Samsik sternly. "Why, kids? Why make waves?" "Why make waves?" This, one might say, was the slogan of Samsik's generation (6a).
    «Есть некоторый коммунистический стиль. Мало кто подходит под эту мерку. Но никто так явно не нарушает этой манеры жить и думать, как вы, Юрий Андреевич. Не понимаю, зачем гусей дразнить» (Пастернак 1). ( context transl) "There exists a certain Communist style, Yurii Andreievich. Few people measure up to it. But no one flouts that way of life and thought as openly as you do. Why you have to flirt with danger, I can't imagine" (1a).
    From Ivan Krylov's fable "Geese" («Гуси»), 1811.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-444

  • 9 Ч-94

    1. (if impfv, pres only) used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time: чёрт несёт (принёс) X-a - the devil must have brought X
    the devil must have made X come damn X coming here why the devil did X have to come (here)? II кого чёрт несёт? = who the devil (the hell, in blazes) can (could) that (it) be?
    «Что, кум, ведь плохо!»... - «Да, чёрт его (Штольца) принёс! — яростно возразил Тарантьев. — Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!» (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tarantyev replied furiously
    "the devil must have brought him (Stolz)! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
    «По разговору видно, что он женится на его (Роди) сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил...» - «Да чёрт его принёс теперь может быть, расстроил всё дело» (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his (Rodya's) sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his (Rodya's) sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes, why the devil did he have to come now
    he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
    «Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!» (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
    ...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    2. Also: ЧЁРТ ЗАНЁС (ПОНЁС)
    ЧЕРТИ ЗАНЕСЛИ/ПОНЕСЛИ НЕЛЁГКАЯ ЗАНЕСЛА (ПОНЕСЛА) НЕЧИСТАЯ СИЛА НЕСЁТ/ПРИНЕСЛА (ЗАНЕСЛА, ПОНЕСЛА) all highly coll, disapprov ( usu. pfv) (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o. 's or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place: чёрт занес X-a в место Y — the devil knows what brought X (what made X come) to place Y what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
    «Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?» (Пастернак 1). uNot so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-94

  • 10 дразнить гусей

    [VP; subj: human; usu. impfv; often infin with зачем, не надо etc, or neg infin after чтобы]
    to irritate, anger s.o., usu. pointlessly (often, one's superior(s) or s.o. who is in a position to make trouble for one):
    - не надо (зачем) гусей дразнить don't (why) make waves (trouble);
    - don't ruffle any (s.o.'s) feathers;
    - don't rub s.o. the wrong way.
         ♦ "Кто форинов [authors usage = иностранцев] пригласил? Ты, Маккар? - строго спросил Самсик. - Зачем, ребята? Зачем гусей-то дразнить?" "Зачем гусей дразнить?" - это, можно сказать, было лозунгом их поколения (Аксёнов 6). "Who invited the foreigners? Was it you, Makkar?" asked Samsik sternly. "Why, kids? Why make waves?" "Why make waves?" This, one might say, was the slogan of Samsik's generation (6a).
         ♦ "Есть некоторый коммунистический стиль. Мало кто подходит под эту мерку. Но никто так явно не нарушает этой манеры жить и думать, как вы, Юрий Андреевич. Не понимаю, зачем гусей дразнить" (Пастернак 1). [context transl] "There exists a certain Communist style, Yurii Andreievich. Few people measure up to it. But no one flouts that way of life and thought as openly as you do. Why you have to flirt with danger, I can't imagine" (1a).
    ← From Ivan Krylov's fable "Geese" ("Гуси"), 1811.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > дразнить гусей

  • 11 раздразнить гусей

    [VP; subj: human; usu. impfv; often infin with зачем, не надо etc, or neg infin after чтобы]
    to irritate, anger s.o., usu. pointlessly (often, one's superior(s) or s.o. who is in a position to make trouble for one):
    - не надо (зачем) гусей дразнить don't (why) make waves (trouble);
    - don't ruffle any (s.o.'s) feathers;
    - don't rub s.o. the wrong way.
         ♦ "Кто форинов [authors usage = иностранцев] пригласил? Ты, Маккар? - строго спросил Самсик. - Зачем, ребята? Зачем гусей-то дразнить?" "Зачем гусей дразнить?" - это, можно сказать, было лозунгом их поколения (Аксёнов 6). "Who invited the foreigners? Was it you, Makkar?" asked Samsik sternly. "Why, kids? Why make waves?" "Why make waves?" This, one might say, was the slogan of Samsik's generation (6a).
         ♦ "Есть некоторый коммунистический стиль. Мало кто подходит под эту мерку. Но никто так явно не нарушает этой манеры жить и думать, как вы, Юрий Андреевич. Не понимаю, зачем гусей дразнить" (Пастернак 1). [context transl] "There exists a certain Communist style, Yurii Andreievich. Few people measure up to it. But no one flouts that way of life and thought as openly as you do. Why you have to flirt with danger, I can't imagine" (1a).
    ← From Ivan Krylov's fable "Geese" ("Гуси"), 1811.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > раздразнить гусей

  • 12 нелегкая занесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нелегкая занесла

  • 13 нелегкая несет

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).
    [VPsubj; these forms only ; foll. by infin]
    (in refer, to a reckless, foolhardy action) s.o. is going to do or has done sth. foolish:
    || зачем чёрт несёт ( понёс) X-а делать Y? what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) would X do Y for?;
    - why the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) is X going to do Y?;
    - why the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) does X want to do Y?;
    - [past only] what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) made X do Y?
         ♦ "И зачем нас нелегкая несет воевать с Бонапартом?" - сказал Шиншин (Толстой 4). "And why the devil are we going to fight Bonaparte?" asked Shinshin (4a).
         ♦ "Все это, брат, хорошо; одно нехорошо: зачем тебя черт несет жениться?" (Пушкин 2). "That's all very well, brother; one thing is not, however: why the devil do you want to get married?" (2b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нелегкая несет

  • 14 нелегкая понесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).
    [VPsubj; these forms only ; foll. by infin]
    (in refer, to a reckless, foolhardy action) s.o. is going to do or has done sth. foolish:
    || зачем чёрт несёт ( понёс) X-а делать Y? what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) would X do Y for?;
    - why the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) is X going to do Y?;
    - why the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) does X want to do Y?;
    - [past only] what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) made X do Y?
         ♦ "И зачем нас нелегкая несет воевать с Бонапартом?" - сказал Шиншин (Толстой 4). "And why the devil are we going to fight Bonaparte?" asked Shinshin (4a).
         ♦ "Все это, брат, хорошо; одно нехорошо: зачем тебя черт несет жениться?" (Пушкин 2). "That's all very well, brother; one thing is not, however: why the devil do you want to get married?" (2b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нелегкая понесла

  • 15 нелегкая принесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нелегкая принесла

  • 16 нечистая сила занесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нечистая сила занесла

  • 17 нечистая сила несет

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нечистая сила несет

  • 18 нечистая сила понесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нечистая сила понесла

  • 19 нечистая сила принесла

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нечистая сила принесла

  • 20 черт занес

    1. [if impfv, pres only]
    used to express displeasure, annoyance when an unwelcome visitor arrives at the wrong or an inopportune time:
    - чёрт несёт < принёс> X-a - the devil must have brought X;
    - why the devil did X have to come (here)?
    || кого чёрт несёт? who the devil <the hell, in blazes> can (could) that <it> be?
         ♦ "Что, кум, ведь плохо!"... - "Да, чёрт его [Штольца] принёс! - яростно возразил Тарантьев. - Каков шельма, этот немец! Уничтожил доверенность да на аренду имение взял!" (Гончаров 1). "Well, old man....Things don't look very bright, do they?" "No," Tbrantyev replied furiously; "the devil must have brought him [Stolz]! What a rogue that German is! Destroyed the deed of trust and got the estate on a lease!" (1a).
         ♦ "По разговору видно, что он женится на его [Роди] сестре и что Родя об этом, перед самой болезнью, письмо получил..." - "Да; чёрт его принёс теперь; может быть, расстроил всё дело" (Достоевский 3). "From what he says it seems he's supposed to be marrying his [Rodya's] sister and Rodya received a letter about it just before his illness-" "Yes. Damn him coming here now. He might have upset the whole applecart" (3a). "You could see from what they said that he's marrying his [Rodya's] sister, and that Rodya got a letter about it just before his illness..." "Yes; why the devil did he have to come now; he may have spoiled the whole thing" (3c).
         ♦ " Кого... принесла нелёгкая? Отстали бы уж, наконец, совсем!" (Максимов 3). "Who the devil can it be? Why can't they leave me alone once and for all?" (3a).
         ♦...Вдруг звонок в дверь. Иду открывать, мысленно по дороге чертыхаясь: кого ещё там нелёгкая на ночь глядя принесла? (Войнович 1).... All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I went to the door, cursing on the way: Who the hell could it be at this time of night? (1a).
    (used to express displeasure or regret caused by s.o.'s or one's decision to go somewhere) it is unclear why or the speaker has no idea why he or s.o. is going to, is headed for, or has arrived at some place:
    - чёрт занес X-a в место Y the devil knows what brought X (what made X come) to place Y;
    - what the devil (the hell, the dickens, in blazes) did X (have to) come (go) to place Y for?
         ♦ "Тише ори... всех погубишь, черт сопливый. Слышишь, Штрезенские рыщут - шастают... Вот они. Замри... Ну, твое счастье, - далеко. Прошли мимо. Кой черт тебя сюда понес?" (Пастернак 1). "Not so loud. You'll give us all away, you devil Can't you hear-Strese's crowd are prowling up and down There they are. Don't breathe..Lucky for you they've gone by. What the devil did you have to come here for?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > черт занес

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